Our main objective is a to help organizations
improve in the areas of
Governance, Risk management and Internal auditing
1. Riskmanagement
2. Internal control over primary and supporting business processes
3. ERP-systems and GRC-tooling
4. Project and program risk
5. Information security and Privacy risk

- (Core) assurance: are your business processes and applications effectively controlled?
- Areas for improvement: insight in improvement opportunities to optimize business processes and systems
- Projects: timely assurance whether project risks are adequately covered and/or perceived benefits are in sight
Do you want answers on:
- How effective risk management can add value to your business strategy?
- How your internal audit function can be enhanced to increase their value proposition?
- How your project risks can be adequately covered?
- What the trending risks are and how these can affect (or provide opportunities to) your business?

nterim management services
Any help needed? We can support you in getting things done! Feel free to contact us for:
- Internal Audit
- Riskmanagement
- Project management
- Any other challenges